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自考英语二作文万能模板带翻译 必背范文推(2022年10月自考英语二作文)

成考攻略2023-09-23 13:33:07考试报名117人已围观

简介 自考英语二属于自考中的必考公共课,满分为100分,只要考到60分就可以通过考试。英语二最重要的拿分点之一就是作文。以下为自考英语二作文万能模板及满分范文,考生可以熟读并背诵以下模板,在自考英语二中考到




(1) 提纲

段落1 阐述现状

段落2 不同的人对于各个选项的看法

段落3 我的选择及原因

(2) 模板

E-books or paper books

Nowadays,there is a growing concern over the issue of e-books or paper books.

Some people hold the view that e-books are better than paper books,because e-books are cheaper and more convenient than paper books.e-books can help us to get more knowledge at lower costs.While other people argue that paper books are better than e-books,because paper books are more real and more traditional than e-books,paper books can help us to feel and touth the texture of real papers.

In conclusion,I agree that both aspects should be considered when talking about e-books or paper books.However I prefer e-books rather than paper books,because I like to get more kownledge at lower costs.

(3) 中文翻译





2. 解决问题类

(1) 提纲

段落1 阐述现状,罗列问题

段落2 表达意愿,罗列措施

段落3 展望未来,表示决心

(2) 模板

Fight against Haze

In recent years,we have to face a problem of haze,which is becoming more and more serious.First of all,it can lead to environment risk,which may cause a series of problem.What’s more,it can lead to financial risk,which may cause employment issues.Last but not least,it can lead to health risk

which may cause illness.

In the face of haze,we should take a series of effective measures

to cope with the situation.For one thing ,in terms of governmental behaviors,government should make relative polices

to control haze.For another thing,in terms of public behaviors,people should keep our behaviors in check to control haze.fanally,in terms of personal behaviors,we should start from the little things around us.

As more and more focus is placed on haze,I am confident in a bright future if all of us take action from this moment.

(3) 中文翻译





3. 个人介绍类

(1) 提纲

段落1 自我介绍

段落2 拓展故事,阐明好处

段落3 表述期望

(2) 模板

My hobby

I have a lot of hobbies,such as reading,running,playing basketball,watching movies and so on.But I prefer reading rather than others.

When I was little,I couldn’t read or write,my mom taught me to read and write everday.

After I grow up,I often buy myself a variety of books to read and learn.I am used to reading during my free time.Till now,it is one of my favorites.It help me to better understand the world and achieve better self.

I hope that everyone can enjoy the fun of reading,which is really helpful for our lives.

(3) 中文翻译






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