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2023年成考英语作文万能套用模板 最新(2023年成考英语答案公布)

网教攻略2023-09-15 14:53:47学历攻略49人已围观

简介 英语作文在成人高考中占有重要的分数比例,因此备考时需要熟练掌握一些万能套用模板,以便能够在考试中更好地应对各种题目。以下是成考英语作文的五个万能套用模板,供考生参考。成考英语万能套用模板1. 说明原因



1. 阐明起因型模板(Expressing Reasons):



Recently, there has been a growing concern about (问题或景象). Why has this issue become so prevalent? There are several reasons accounting for it. Firstly, (起因一). Secondly, (起因二). Finally, (起因三).

To address this problem, we need to take effective measures. First and foremost, (处理办法一). Moreover, (处理办法二). In addition, (处理办法三). Only by doing so can we (处理问题的效果).

2. 罗列利害型模板(Advantages and Disadvantages):



In recent years, (事物或问题) has been a common topic of discussion. It has both advantages and disadvantages.

On the one hand, (事物或问题的长处一). On the other hand, (事物或问题的毛病一). Furthermore, (事物或问题的毛病二). Despite these disadvantages, there are also some positive aspects to consider. (事物或问题的长处二).

In conclusion, (总结观念). In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. (你的观念).

3. 针对观念型模板(Expressing Opinions):



Nowadays, there is a widespread debate about (观念或问题). Some people believe that (观念一), while others argue that (观念二). In my opinion, (你的观念).

First of all, (支持观念一的理由). Secondly, (支持观念一的理由). On the contrary, (反驳观念二的理由). Therefore, (总结观念).

In conclusion, (总结观念). As far as I am concerned, (你的观念).

4. 倡议措施型模板(Suggesting Solutions):



In recent years, the issue of (问题) has attracted much attention. To solve this problem, I would like to offer the following suggestions.

First and foremost, (倡议一). Secondly, (倡议二). In addition, (倡议三). By implementing these measures, we can effectively address the issue of (问题).

In conclusion, (总结观念). These suggestions, if followed, can lead to a significant improvement in (问题).

5. 论述观念型模板(Stating Opinions):



In recent years, there has been a growing concern about (问题). In my view, (你的观念).

There are several reasons to support my point of view. First of all, (理由一). Secondly, (理由二). For example, (举例阐明). Therefore, I am convinced that (你的观念).

In conclusion, (总结观念). Based on the above analysis, I strongly believe that (你的观念).


1. 假设你是一名意愿者,请写一篇短文引见你参与的意愿流动。

I'm a volunteer, and I would like to share my experience in a recent volunteering activity. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in a community cleanup event. This event aimed to improve the environment in our neighborhood and promote a sense of responsibility among residents.

On that sunny morning, a group of dedicated volunteers gathered in the park. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and brooms, we set out to make a difference. We picked up litter, swept the paths, and cleaned the benches. It was hard work, but it felt satisfying to see the park transform from a litter-strewn area into a clean and inviting space.

Through this volunteering experience, I learned the importance of community involvement and environmental responsibility. It was heartwarming to see the smiles on the faces of the people in our community as they enjoyed the cleaner park. I believe that small acts of volunteering like this can have a big impact on our society.

2. 描绘一本你最喜欢的书,囊括书名、作者、内容和为什么你喜欢它。

One of my favorite books is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This classic novel tells the story of Scout Finch, a young girl growing up in the racially segregated South during the 1930s. Her father, Atticus Finch, is a lawyer defending a black man accused of raping a white woman. The book explores themes of racial injustice, morality, and the loss of innocence.

I love this book for its powerful storytelling and its deep exploration of important social issues. Harper Lee's writing style is engaging, and the characters are well-developed. Atticus Finch's moral integrity and courage in the face of prejudice have always been an inspiration to me.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" teaches us about the complexities of human nature and the need for empathy and understanding. It remains relevant today as it reminds us of the ongoing struggle for justice and equality. This book has left a lasting impression on me and has shaped my perspective on the world.

3. 你以为什么是胜利的要害要素?

Success is a concept that means different things to different people. However, in my opinion, there are several key factors that contribute to success.

Firstly, setting clear goals is essential. Success begins with a vision of what you want to achieve. Without a goal, it's like setting out on a journey without knowing the destination. Setting specific, achievable, and time-bound goals provides direction and motivation


Secondly, hard work and determination are crucial. Success rarely comes without effort. It requires dedication, perseverance, and the willingness to overcome obstacles. Without a strong work ethic, achieving success can be challenging.

Thirdly, continuous learning and improvement are important. The world is constantly changing, and successful individuals adapt to new challenges and opportunities. They seek knowledge and skills to stay competitive and relevant in their fields.

Another key factor is resilience. Success often involves facing setbacks and failures. Resilient individuals bounce back from disappointments, learn from their mistakes, and keep moving forward.

Lastly, building strong relationships and a support network is vital. Success is not achieved in isolation. Collaborating with others, seeking guidance, and having a supportive network can provide valuable resources and encouragement along the way.

In conclusion, success is a multifaceted concept, and the key factors may vary for different individuals. However, setting goals, hard work, continuous learning, resilience, and building relationships are fundamental elements that can contribute to achieving success.

4. 描绘一位你敬仰的人,囊括他们的特质和为什么你敬仰他们。

One person I greatly admire is my grandfather. He is a remarkable individual with many admirable qualities that have influenced me in numerous ways.

Firstly, my grandfather is incredibly wise. Over the years, he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and life experiences that he readily shares with others. He is an excellent listener and offers sage advice when needed. His wisdom has helped guide me through various challenges in life.

Secondly, he is incredibly kind and compassionate. My grandfather is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He volunteers at local charities and supports various community initiatives. His kindness and generosity inspire me to be a more caring and giving person.

Furthermore, my grandfather is a man of integrity. He is honest, principled, and holds himself to high ethical standards. He has taught me the importance of doing the right thing, even when it's difficult or unpopular.

Lastly, my grandfather possesses a strong work ethic. He worked tirelessly throughout his life to provide for his family. His dedication to his work and his commitment to excellence serve as a constant reminder of the value of hard work and perseverance.

In conclusion, my grandfather's wisdom, kindness, integrity, and work ethic are qualities that I deeply admire. He has been a positive influence in my life, and I strive to emulate his admirable traits.

5. 描绘一次你克制艰难或挫折的经验,并分享你从中学到的教训。

One of the most challenging experiences I've faced was during my final year of college when I had to balance academic responsibilities, a part-time job, and personal issues. It was a period of intense stress and pressure, and I often felt overwhelmed.

The most significant obstacle I encountered was a family crisis that required my attention and emotional support. At the same time, I had a demanding class schedule and assignments piling up. I was torn between my academic responsibilities and my family's needs.

I learned several valuable lessons from this experience. First and foremost, I discovered the importance of time management and prioritization. I had to become highly organized to allocate my time efficiently between studying and assisting my family.

Additionally, I learned the significance of seeking help and support when facing adversity. I reached out to professors and friends, explaining my situation, and they provided guidance and assistance. It taught me that it's okay to ask for help when needed.

Furthermore, I realized the importance of resilience. I had moments of doubt and exhaustion, but I persevered through the challenges. This experience strengthened my determination and resilience in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, overcoming this difficult period in my life taught me valuable lessons about time management, seeking support, and resilience. It made me a stronger and more adaptable person, and I now face challenges with greater confidence and determination.

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